Monday, March 21, 2011


A sweet kindergartner at school got a new backpack....
And his mom wanted me to monogram his name on it!

Turned out so cool!!!!

Zippy Bags

My best friend wanted two zippy bags

One for her

and one for her secret pal at work!


Marin's mommy wanted some new bloomers for her....and left it up to me to be creative.
 I thought a heart would be adorable!

They were!!!

Cutest Shirts!

Lately I have been on a shirt making kick!

I made these for my niece and new nephew.....

Made this for my favorite almost 1 year old....
He loves monkeys!

Enough said!

Spirit Wear

My little cousin tried out for cheerleading (Junior High!)
so she wanted a bow to give her some luck!

Then..... her friend wanted one too!

Then....they wanted a gift for a friend that is a cheerleader!
(Who also happens to be the same friend that won nationals for cheerleading!)

Turned out to be some pretty fun spirit wear!!!